Our crew tracking application is focused to solve the setbacks that occur during the day of operation and to recover crew assignments as soon as possible according to the originally published roster at the lowest cost. Integrate it with our ops control tool, you will have a solution that will make the task easier and avoid duplication of jobs and interfaces.
The alert monitor allows you to continuously view all irregularities that need to be solved. Agentis offers you tools to build scenarios and evaluate different solutions, once the warnings have been addressed, they are removed from the alert monitor or the operator can sign them as authorized and allow the operation to flow even with the warning.
Integrate the crew tracking solution with the digital file, crew planning and fleet assignment applications to manage government, contractual, business and equity rules and preferences in one place and forget about inconsistencies.
Agentis offers attendance control and with our mobile application, crew members can sign on their cell phones at plane’s gate.
We have tools to control changes and keep visible the roster as originally published, consider that you have made an enormous effort to publish the best possible roster, the crew expects that roster to be effective, we try to make the changes as least disruptive as possible that the company meets its productivity goals and the crew its life expectations.
Agentis allows you to send confirmations and service change notes by email or other means and keep record on done notifications, it also has tools to review the crew members not yet confirmed. With the mobile application, crew member can check their next services and when doing so the system records the confirmation.
We offer tools to manage allowances payments, hotel reservations and dead heads and to issue the effective crew log.
Pair with our business intelligence and analytics offering and explore a whole new experience in performance indicators, analysis tools and predictive analytics.